The Stats

The Research

Data provided by BRANZ that up to 50% of NZ landfill waste is construction waste and an estimated 50% of that is re-usable material that can be re-purposed in its current state including a large percentage of treated timber. Currently, there are no service providers in the Waikato region that we are aware of that will service residential construction sites and repurpose as much material as possible. Having Sentinel Homes Waikato on board as a nationwide franchise is a solid foundation and from conversations from other major nationwide franchises the interest is there to engage our services and create a major impact.

The Numbers

Reduce the average waste to landfill per Sentinel Homes new house built from 7.5 tonnes to below 1.5 tonnes by the end of 2 years

Divert as much recyclable material directly from the site to local recycling centres.