On average we sent 45 - 54m3 (7.5 tonnes) to landfill per build.

Our goal is to create a construction waste management model that firstly takes care of our own (Sentinel Homes Waikato) waste minimisation goals and eventually can be rolled out as a practical cost-effective solution throughout the sector.

We will do this by:

  • Reduce the average waste to landfill per Sentinel Homes new house built from 7.5 tonnes to below 1.5 tonnes by the end of 2 years

  • Create a wide variety of products that can be built from repurposed materials in our shed. Providing reverse logistics for recyclable materials to be sorted and taken to recycling centres.

  • Network with local community initiatives that can utilise building materials that can’t be repurposed at our repurposing centre

  • Comprise a complete database for all current construction materials used in NZ and what end-life or re-purpose solutions are available for them. Work with local initiatives to ensure work is underway to have available solutions for all materials by the end of the 2 years